• We do our business ethically and support economic competition

  • Consumers are best protected by economic competition

  • We cooperate with the international experts in telecommunications, regulation and law

  • We support the development of electronic communication networks and services for the benefit of consumers

Telecommunication Union of Slovak Republic

TUSR is an independent and non-political association. The members are telecommunication operators who have committed to conduct business ethically, support economic competition and focus on the development of electronic communication networks and services in Slovakia for the benefit of consumers. Operators from TUSR deal with the competition decisively, but in good faith, in accordance with the principles of fair and open competition rules and in the interest of the good name of the entire industry.

The goal of TUSR is to create partnerships and submit initiative proposals in order to solve shortcomings that negatively affect competition and make doing business in Slovakia even more difficult. The members of TUSR are represented by experienced managers and technicians, cooperating with renowned international experts in the field of regulation, law and communication, who act on the so-called best practice of EU member countries.

More about TUSR


members-min.svg 54

Cities and municipalities

city-min.svg 2 000


connections-min.svg 208 000

Press releases and statements

Has your operator also raised the prices for services or taken out the TV station?

Ms. Magda was angered by the recent increase in prices for telecommunication services. Mr. Peter can no longer watch his favorite TV station because his operator has stopped broadcasting it. They both turned to the Telecommunication Union of the Slovak Republic with questions about whether operators can make changes without their consent and whether, if they do not agree with the changes, they can withdraw from the contract without a contractual penalty for early termination of their commitment.

Critical data must be regularly backed up. Do you know how?

Regular data backup is very important for any organization or business. In the event of data becoming unavailable, lost or any other unforeseen problem, data can be quickly restored from the backup. The duration of service outages is thus reduced to a minimum. The Telecommunication Union of the Slovak Republic reminds that when backing up critical data, it is important to follow best practices to ensure data protection and availability. Do you know what they are?

Did you know that regional operators also have interesting Christmas offers?

Before the Christmas holidays, many customers are ending their contracts with telecommunications operators and are considering which operator they will use services from in the following period. It is also a period when operators come up with various interesting promotions and gifts for new and existing customers. TÚSR has selected several offers from domestic operators that illustrate the possibilities in selected locations in the Slovak Republic.

The year 2025 will bring not only price increases for telecommunications services

The year 2025 will be a challenging year for Slovak telecommunications operators. They will have to cope not only with changes in the market, but also with changes brought about by the government's consolidation package. The Telecommunication Union of the Slovak Republic expects that 2025 will bring not only price increases, but also the resolution of some controversial issues that are bothering market participants.

Is building of fiber networks on electricity poles an opportunity or a threat?

Building fiber networks on power poles can significantly speed up the expansion of broadband (so-called high-speed) Internet access, which is a good opportunity for Slovakia. On the contrary, the threat is not allowing operators to place optical fiber cables on power poles, as well as placement of fiber cables by distribution companies without official permissions according to the law.

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